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University of Alabama | GPA: 4.0 | Expected graduation May 2027 | Pursuing B.A. in Public Relations with a minor in Political Science with plans to attend Law School after graduation | Honors College

Vestavia Hills High School | Graduated May 2023 with Advanced Diploma with Honors | GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.4 weighted

Career Goals

I hope to eventually become an educational and family lawyer. I want to help youth that have been discriminated against in school and youth that have troubled home lives.

Academic Plan

I hope to graduate undergrad by May 2027 and attend the University of Alabama's law school.

3 Skills Required for Lawyers


Organizational Skills

As someone who has OCD, I am stereotypical in the area of OCD and organization. I always have specific places for specific things and am able to remember where things are and where they belong. I also am exceptional in organizing my calendars and tracking what I have due and when.


Persuasive Communication

I have been able to develop the skill of persuasive communication through my involvement in high school. I was the Vice President of the Young Politicians club, a position I had to run for and after winning the election, I had to have good communication with the students in the club. I also did Youth Legislature through the YMCA in high school where I had to create a bill to argue on the stand in a mock senate. Both of these experiences have been extremely beneficial in developing persuasive communication.



Empathy has been a value instilled in me by my parents, especially my mom, for my entire life. My mother has always been emotionally intelligent, able to read people, and feel people's energy. She has taught me how to recognize certain emotions in myself and other people, developing an emotional intelligence in me and exceptional empathy.


I am very fortunate to have many networking opportunities through my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, as well as my father being an attorney and knowing many attorneys for me to get in touch with in the Tuscaloosa-Birmingham area.


Volunteer Work

I have gotten the opportunity to volunteer through my church, with my sorority, and in the inner city schools in Tuscaloosa.


My Church

Through my church, I was able to do numerous food drives, and I was able to serve on the Youth Grant Team in which we visited numerous nonprofit organizations in the greater Birmingham area. We delve into these organizations and chose 3 to donate $20,000 to. I was able to advocate for an important cause to me and convince the other members to allocate money for the Cornerstone Schools.


Alpha Gamma Delta

Through my sorority at the University of Alabama, I have been able to volunteer in a plethora of ways from making cards for children with cancer, to making Valentines day cards for the local nursing home, to packing thousands of bags of food to fight hunger.


Tuscaloosa Schools

In the last 6 months that I have been living in Tuscaloosa I have been able to volunteer at local elementary schools such as Matthews Elementary and Crestmont Elementary tutoring children in reading and writing and mentoring students in an after school program.

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